Tuesday, 28 December 2010


This is something I've been working on for a couple of weeks when I have had an hour or so in the evenings.

I'm pretty pleased with it at the moment, but as usual I really struggled with the colours and am not too sure I like them. Damn you colour-blindness...damn youuuu.

If you have some ideas or some feedback I'd very much like to hear them. Cheers, bye now.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Fresh out the sketch book part 2

Found this lady on a blog when I was up late one night, so decided to copy her down.

Good practice I figured :)

Fresh out the sketch book

Been pretty manic at Uni recently with deadlines leading up to Christmas, but heres a few things I've managed to scan in straight out of the old sketch book.

These are my telefish. It's an idea I had for a while, but only just got around to sticking on paper. Check back because I plan on having a play around with these, maybe experimenting in flash with them.

Oh, I must mention I didn't come up with the name 'telefish', my housemate called them that.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Amnesty Internation 'Making the Invisible, Visible'

Been a bit quiet recently due to an influx of Uni work, so haven't had much time to snoop around the internet for new and exciting things.

BUT, fear not. I saw this on Creative Review and it's definitely worth a talk about.

Amnesty International have just released this new campaign to raise awareness of their work, in this case for Troy Davis who has sat on death row for nineteen years now and maintained it's for a crime he didn't commit. Seven of the nine witnesses have since withdrawn there testimony.

Anyway, it's by that lovely little London based agency, Brothers and Sisters, who've teamed up with Mentalgassi for this unusual spot.

Check it out.

Troy Davis: Making the invisible visible from Amnesty International on Vimeo.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Storm Freerun - Volume 1

This promotional video for 'Storm', a team of free-runners has been on out there for just over a week now and has already amassed some 400,000 hits.

It's easy to see why as not only are these guys incredible at jumping around London, but Claudiu Voicu has done a sterling job of both filming and editing the eight-minute masterpiece.

The whole thing is shot on a Canon 5D and a Canon 1D, and really shows the versatility of these DSLRs.

Yeah, that's all I've got to say really. Watch it NOW.

Check Claudiu's website out here.
And the Storm team here.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Another recent poster

This is a poster I did a couple of weeks ago, for a friend who was organising a club night for cancer research.

I think it reflects my recent obsession with Soviet propaganda quite well, and it was really fun to make. Sort of went through a couple of reinventions before I was happy with it, but it came out all right in the end.

Not sure old Eisenhower would be the biggest fan of seeing his head used like this, but I'm not the biggest fan of his decision to starve some 700,000 German captives to death at the end of the Second World War. Call it evens?


To me at least, Movember has become more of an occasion each year, for the past couple of years. I think it's probably because as I get older, the fact I can't grow any facial hair becomes more of an issue for me and I sink further into the depths of the internet, searching for a non-surgical solution.

Those who listen to my show on Surge Radio will know that I've pretty much exhausted all options, and my earlier thoughts that a high meat diet would result in a definite moustache were wrong. It's now.... day 18, and there is still nothing on my top lip.

But anyway, for those who are growing a moustache and would like some inspiration on what style to go for, check out these posters by Shotopop. There's a look there for the Victorian gentleman from any walk of life. Good show.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

New title bit

I've literally just finished off the new title bit and uploaded it. Think I'm pretty pleased with it :)

It was more of an experiment in how to go from sketch to finished picture than anything else, but I am quite happy with the end result.

This was my first time making use of both Photoshop and Illustrator to do an illustration, and to be fair I didn't find it too confusing. Yaay! Admittedly I did only use the AutoTrace tool in Illustrator...but meh. I'm going to learn other ways that offer more control soon.

So yeah, that is all.

Here is the original sketch.

Text style based on an illustration by Christian Bennett

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


My other 12Foot6 favourite has to be 'Dave Goes To Skane'. I won't post any more of their videos after this one; if you want to check them out their website is here, and their Vimeo profile is here.

This was a campaign for 'Visit Sweden'. Dave offers a solid British envoy. "Oi, Eureka. Which way to Southend?"

Dave Goes To Skane - Visit Sweden from 12foot6 on Vimeo.


12Foot6 are relatively new to me, but I can't get enough of their animations at the moment.

The first animation I saw was a trailer for an upcoming project called 'Get Well Soon', which is a series of animated short films about personal injury. It hasn't been released yet, but will premier at Animated Encounters this Friday and after that, a free screening will happen at XOYO in London on December 2nd.

I really want to get up to XOYO to see it, but looks like essay deadlines and exams are going to stop me making it :( Anyway, yes....the bloke in the pub talking about falling down the stairs is probably my personal favourite...."but I didn't feel a fing".

I'll post some more 12Foot6 stuff in a minute...

Coming Soon - Get Well Soon from 12foot6 on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Snowboard Poster

In my last post I said I'd share the snowboard poster I based the 'Choose a Challenge' one on. As mentioned, it's from a tutorial but I can't find it.

Kind of enjoyed looking at it because it showed me how I've improved over the past nine months or so.

Choose A Challenge

This is a poster I've done recently to publicise an event we are running at Uni.

It's called 'Choose a challenge'. Basically, people can come along and sign up to a challenge from a list of about twelve. I tried to incorporate images that are relevant to the different challenges and am quite pleased with the final result. I mean, it's not the most exciting thing ever, but it serves a purpose and will hopefully catch people's eyes.

The design is based on an old poster I did from a tutorial. I can't find the tutorial, but I'll stick the old poster us as well.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Recent work

Since coming back to Uni in September, I've found myself doing quite a lot of poster designs for a few events.

This is only a quick post as I haven't got long, but I'll be sure to stick some examples up soon :)

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


This is something my house-mate, Sam and I spent an afternoon knocking up. It was really fun to make, and my first time having a play with vectors.

It's not perfect and we're unsure what to stick in the middle as opposed to 'blur' but year, here it is.

Oh, I did the top two and he did the bottom two.

Saturday, 4 September 2010


It's been a little while since I last posted (Uni exams and whatnot), but I've been having a little think about CVs.

These past few weeks I've been trying to get myself some work experience with both graphic designers and at ad agencies, but I've been wondering, what does a good creative CV look like?

I had a quick google search a while ago and found all sorts of weird and wonderful ideas for CVs but it seems to me a few are too gimmicky. I'm sure that if you are handing your CV to a creative director then they quite like to see something a bit different, but the reality is that most CVs will have to go through some HR person who's bound to prefer something knocked up on Word.

I'm currently writing mine in Pages. I figure it'll be pretty basic but a bit different from the run of the mill word stuff. But should I make another one, a bit more fancy and exciting? I've seen a few that are fold out things, A3, with everything on it (very poorly explained but see attached photo) and I thought maybe I should make one of these and send it to the relevant people.

Or is it a case of tailoring each CV to suit an individual? The Google Job Experiment certainly got the attention of David Droga and Ian Reichenthal...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRwCs99DWg

Monday, 9 August 2010

...Starting from...Now.

Hello internet! This is my new blog.

From now on I'll be posting little things that I think are interesting. I'm going to try and keep it focused on things I see that inspire me and bits and bobs that I make.
