Wednesday, 15 September 2010


This is something my house-mate, Sam and I spent an afternoon knocking up. It was really fun to make, and my first time having a play with vectors.

It's not perfect and we're unsure what to stick in the middle as opposed to 'blur' but year, here it is.

Oh, I did the top two and he did the bottom two.

Saturday, 4 September 2010


It's been a little while since I last posted (Uni exams and whatnot), but I've been having a little think about CVs.

These past few weeks I've been trying to get myself some work experience with both graphic designers and at ad agencies, but I've been wondering, what does a good creative CV look like?

I had a quick google search a while ago and found all sorts of weird and wonderful ideas for CVs but it seems to me a few are too gimmicky. I'm sure that if you are handing your CV to a creative director then they quite like to see something a bit different, but the reality is that most CVs will have to go through some HR person who's bound to prefer something knocked up on Word.

I'm currently writing mine in Pages. I figure it'll be pretty basic but a bit different from the run of the mill word stuff. But should I make another one, a bit more fancy and exciting? I've seen a few that are fold out things, A3, with everything on it (very poorly explained but see attached photo) and I thought maybe I should make one of these and send it to the relevant people.

Or is it a case of tailoring each CV to suit an individual? The Google Job Experiment certainly got the attention of David Droga and Ian Reichenthal...