Tuesday, 28 December 2010


This is something I've been working on for a couple of weeks when I have had an hour or so in the evenings.

I'm pretty pleased with it at the moment, but as usual I really struggled with the colours and am not too sure I like them. Damn you colour-blindness...damn youuuu.

If you have some ideas or some feedback I'd very much like to hear them. Cheers, bye now.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Fresh out the sketch book part 2

Found this lady on a blog when I was up late one night, so decided to copy her down.

Good practice I figured :)

Fresh out the sketch book

Been pretty manic at Uni recently with deadlines leading up to Christmas, but heres a few things I've managed to scan in straight out of the old sketch book.

These are my telefish. It's an idea I had for a while, but only just got around to sticking on paper. Check back because I plan on having a play around with these, maybe experimenting in flash with them.

Oh, I must mention I didn't come up with the name 'telefish', my housemate called them that.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Amnesty Internation 'Making the Invisible, Visible'

Been a bit quiet recently due to an influx of Uni work, so haven't had much time to snoop around the internet for new and exciting things.

BUT, fear not. I saw this on Creative Review and it's definitely worth a talk about.

Amnesty International have just released this new campaign to raise awareness of their work, in this case for Troy Davis who has sat on death row for nineteen years now and maintained it's for a crime he didn't commit. Seven of the nine witnesses have since withdrawn there testimony.

Anyway, it's by that lovely little London based agency, Brothers and Sisters, who've teamed up with Mentalgassi for this unusual spot.

Check it out.

Troy Davis: Making the invisible visible from Amnesty International on Vimeo.