Tuesday, 8 February 2011

A better day

So tired, so here's a quick summary of what happened today. I had a lot of reading to do for a seminar and some reading to do for my dissertation and...I got a bit desperate for some attention on twitter. Decided to put out a desperately needy 'need more followers, please retweet' job and actually got quite alot of new followers on board. It wasn't cool, but I was stumped on how to carry things on with limited time available. Tomorrow should be a better day as I have no lectures or seminars, just Juliet Gardiner's new book 'Blitz' to wade through.

Tweets: 80
Following: 153
Followers: 216
Mentions and retweets: About 33/34 retweets and 12 mentions.


Monday, 7 February 2011

Today's update

Hello, hello.

I don't think I wrote on here yesterday in the end. Was a busy day out and about doing things that meant I was away from twitter until the evening. (A welcome break).

Got back on it today, but it's been slow progress thus far. Followers have increased a little, and I've been retweeted a few times and been chatting with people but I feel like I need to come up with something new, and keep things fresh. I'm worried that it's getting a bit stale. Not had any fresh ideas this evening but I'll have a sleep on it and will hit it hard tomorrow. I need to raise my profile, more. Maybe I should be tracking down more famous people and getting them to mention me. On that note, I had a good one yesterday. Was tweeting with a guy out of the Walking Dead, which was pretty cool. Also picked up some magazines as followers and been contracted by a media guy based in Bristol who was interested in what I was up to.

Will hit it properly again tomorrow. Need another day where I get 100 or so followers. Although, I have quite a lot of reading to do for a seminar so we will have to see how I'm doing. Anyway... stats

Tweets: 66
Following: 150
Followers: 178
Mentions and retweets: Maybe 10/12 mentions and 3/4 retweets

Oh yeah, following has gone down as I cut a few people who weren't related to zombies and that. They were people from Uni who I followed initailly to try and generate some follow backs. Gone, breakthrough.


Saturday, 5 February 2011

Third Day

So it's my third full day of tweeting and as predicted it's been a bit of a slow one. I've been busy most of the day so far preparing a presentation and haven't really had much chance to blog or tweet with people. However, a few new followers have joined since last night.

I didn't end up going to bed when I said. Decided to have a little look for a few more people who might be worth following and stumbled across #zombiesurvivalcrew. Found their leader and got in contact which resulted in a few retweets and consequent new followers, but I did stay up pretty late to get them. It's all good though :)

Tweets: 44
Following: 192
Followers: 151
Mentions and retweets: Maybe 10 mentions and 2 or 3 retweets so far

I need to add stuff to the blog now. I wrote a little bit about the zombie survival crew and tweeted it which got noticed. Got some good publicity in return from them which is what it's all about, I suppose.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much more will get done today. Probably going to head to the pub after I've made dinner. I'll end up tweeting on my phone, though. Seriously, this is so addictive.

Friday, 4 February 2011

End of today

It's the end of my second full day of tweeting for the Saatchi & Saatchi grad scheme and it's been a bit of a mad one.

Things started off slowly as I had that dissertation meeting (which went OK, cheers for asking) but got pretty crazy as the afternoon went on. A friend I met when travelling in 2009 offered me some brilliant advice that really got me thinking about the ways I was trying to reach out to more people on twitter.

He got me thinking about who I was following and for what reason, so I went and sought out some big zombie/horror twitter accounts and then checked up on people who followed them, making the assumption they'd be interested in what I was up to. Turns out that quite a few of them were.

Then I stumbled across #zombietweets which turned out to be gold. In the space of about 3/4 hours I got 40/50 retweets and about 60 new followers. Stats as follows:

Tweets: 31
Following: 188
Followers: 131
Mentions and retweets: maybe 30/35 mentions and 40/50 retweets

I'm pretty sure this whole thing isn't about who can get the most followers and the most retweets. I've read the brief quite a lot of times now and It's got to be about interaction. I want to have regular interactions with the followers I already have. If I get more, then that's great but I think it's more important that I stay true to the idea and have fun tweeting with people.

Tomorrow is a busy day for me, as I'm giving a presentation at a Climate change conference on Sunday and need to practice it, but I've set up a Tumblr today, and the plan is to add some more things to it if and when I have time. Will try and get a few more tweets out there as well.

I'll keep you posted, night.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Saatchi & Saatchi Grad Scheme

A few days ago Saatchi & Saatchi released the details of the first challenge for their grad scheme. It was as follows...

Brief 1.

This brief will test your originality, creativity and ability to connect to a mass audience.

Create ONE new Twitter page. The objective is to get the highest Twitter rating and social influence as possible before the deadline.

The 250 people with the highest combined scores from briefs no.1 and no.2 will go through to round 3. But don’t worry about brief no.2 just yet. We’ll let you know about that soon.

You will score points for the following.

- Followers
- Updates (tweets)
- Retweets (of your tweet by other people only)
- @mentions (of you by other people only)

Your page can be about whatever you want. The more interesting, original, witty and creative the more chance you have of it taking off. But think carefully, we will only accept your first entry.

Don’t just start your page and get all your mates to follow you. This probably won’t be enough. How can you create a buzz and get as high a rating as possible? Be creative. Use your initiative. Impress the socks off us and scare off the other contestants in the process.

But remember this is a job application, so please use your loaf and have some common sense. Do not trick or mislead people in any way, make promises you cannot keep, do anything illegal, that could be considered offensive, or of questionable morality.

There was a bit more but that was the general idea.

It took me a few days to decide what to do, but in the end opted for an account called 'ZombieApocatips'. Pretty much does what it says on the tin; gives tips to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Its been 24 hours since I went live and I'm pretty happy with it all so far. Stats are as follows:

Tweets: 8
Following: 147
Followers: 46
Mentions and Retweets: I'm not gonna count but quite a few mentions and several retweets.

Sort of panic followed at first, but will cut back on people in a few days. I think that by the end of the weekend I should be hitting 500 followers. Hoping things will snowball.

Got a plan of what I'm going to tweet over the next few days but tomorrows project is to get people interacting on #zombieapocalypse. Will do a daily update to keep you informed. For now, its bed time. I've got a dissertation meeting tomorrow. Gonna stick a book under my pillow and hopefully by tomorrow I'll be fully informed of the goings on at Will's coffee house in the restoration period. Night x