Sunday, 27 March 2011

Saatchi & Saatchi Brief 3

So, it's been a while since I've written anything, and as usual this is as a result of Uni work. I've got an essay to write at the moment but I'll quickly update you on what I've been up to before I continue.

So... the twitter thing for Saatchi went really well. I got through that stage, which was nice! I don't really know how they judged it, but it occurred to me when I was in the shower yesterday that it was probably just based on Klout. It's a bit irrelevance to be honest, as I got through, but something to consider if I end up partaking again next year and the format is very similar.

Got about 370 followers at the moment, but not really sure what to do with them. I feel bad, as they follow zombieapocatips out of good faith in the hope of some funny zombie stuff but I don't really have time to keep tweeting, for now. Will have a think about what to do with the account....

So yes, that went well...then came an exam (this was brief 2). It was a multiple choice job and we were allowed to use the internet to help us. Questions were on Saatchi & Saatchi, current clients, employees, different campaigns, also a bit on social media and that sort of thing. To be honest I did find it quite hard but I guess my masterful use of google managed to get me through, as I made it onto brief 3....

Brief 3 was given on 8th March and was as follows:


Brief no.3 will test your presentation and selling skills, as well as your ability to recognize a great idea.

Choose what you consider to be a great ad, then recreate it yourself in a video.

You must appear at the beginning of your vid, before the ad, and in no more than 90” sell your ad to us. Explain why you chose it and why it’s a great idea. Really sell it and yourself to us. Imagine you’re pitching an ad to a client. Be as memorable as possible. Please note the whole vid can be longer, only the intro must be 90” max.

Upload your vid to our youtube channel (see link below), and post the link on Julia’s wall no later than

12 noon/midday GMT, Thursday 24th March.

Only the 50 best vids as chosen by us will go through.

Your video will be judged on:

90” presentation.
Ad choice.
How memorable and entertaining it is overall.

You don’t have to appear in the ad, but can if you want, but you do have to introduce it.

It doesn’t have to be a UK ad, but it must be in English. No subtitles.

Good luck and cue you…"

Pretty exciting stuff! And it was so much fun! I came up with an idea of what I wanted to do quite quickly, and the first week or so was spent talking it through with various friends (who have been invaluable). Last Saturday was when we finally shot it, and it went pretty well. Everyone was really good fun and put up with my indecisiveness and decision at the end of filming that I wanted to go back and redo the first half of the shots as the light had changed.

Then Sunday was spend editing and Monday/Tuesday evening writing the pitch. Filmed the pitch on Wednesday with the help of all of my housemates and then got it on youtube! The reception has been really positive, and I'm pleased with the finished product. Just got to wait and see what Saatchi thought of it, now.... will let you know!

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